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Sunday, 27 January 2019

27/Jan/19 they are making turkey dinner and I can't have any

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I managed to wake Tonya up this morning.

The Big Guy was putting this new recipe on line.  It's for a Lemon Meringue Cheesecake.  Did you want the recipe?  You can click <<HERE>> to get the recipe.  I'm not going to be allowed to have any of that either.  

Everything they make, I'm not supposed to have.

That is unless the Big Guy is making me my home made dog biscuits.  Which he has NOT made in a very long time.  hint hint

The Big Guy was looking on Facebook and one of the ladies that he works with, well, someone broke into her home and stole her XBox plus a few accessories.  The Big Guy feels quite bad for her.  She must feel violated and alone, knowing that someone broke into her house and went though her stuff.  So if you hear of anyone that is selling an XBox without the hook ups, let him know so that he can tell her about it.

So later on...  after the turkey dinner is done...  I will probably get some vegetables.  Sigh...  vegetables...  what good is that?  It's NOT turkey, or dressing, or gravy...

Oh and to make matters worst...  The Big Guy will boil the turkey bones and once he is done with them, he will throw them out to the seagulls. 


That is just so WRONG!

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog approves of Home Made Dog Biscuits

Bye bye fur now

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