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Tuesday, 8 January 2019

8/Jan/19 I claim this couch for my naps

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Tonya's new cell phone certainly does take wide screen photos.  You can see all of me, and the pillow as well.  She could really throw those pillows out.  They only get in the way of my spots on the couch.

So there is a bit of a snow storm coming tomorrow.  It's going to be nasty.  Then, just to piss off the Big Guy, the storm will be followed up with some rain.  That always puts him in a fine mood.

Snow is bad enough in his eyes.  But to compound that with rain, so that the snow is now wet and heavy.  Oh yea.  Lets just keep making him upset.  He wouldn't mind it so much if it rained BEFORE the snow.  Then the snow would be light and fluffy.

Then again, he has to consider.  What if he still lived in Winnipeg.  So lets consider that for a moment.  First off, it snowed.  A lot.  But it was super cold.  So the snow was rarely wet and heavy.  Always light and fluffy.  So that was good.  But the extra cold, well that was bad.

When the city would come by with the plows, there would also be a team of front end loaders that would come and remove the snow from your driveway and then dump it on your front lawn.  So the fact that you were plowed in, was bad.  But the fact that they dug you out within 15 minutes, well that was good.  So you only really needed to take care of your driveway.  Which is another good.

They city of Winnipeg had a snow dump area.  One year, the snow dump area was so high, it took till the end of August before all the snow had melted.

Click on the picture to see the snow dump area in Winnipeg.  You can advance to about 1:30 to see us coming up on the snow bank.  It's HUGE!

But since salt doesn't work in Winnipeg, due to the extreme cold, they had to use sand.  So your car wasn't really rusting, which was good.  But then come Spring, when the snow would melt, there was mud all over the road and your car was a filthy mess, which was bad.  But then they had such wonderful Summers, which made up for it again.  Which was good.

I think the Big Guy regrets ever leaving Winnipeg.  But such is the life when you are in the Canadian Forces.

Your Blast from the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having his first swim

Bye bye fur now

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