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Sunday, 6 January 2019

6/Jan/19 it's a lazy day to be a dog

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Here is a picture of me after I get home from my walk.  I'm just going to lay here and take a nap.

Of course Tonya had to take several pictures of me.  Which is OK.  I know that I'm handsome and it's a burden that I have to share with the world.

Tonya was talking with the Big Guy about having a boiled dinner.  The Big Guy will eat it, but he isn't always impressed with boiled dinner.  It's boiled.  It's mushy.  It all tastes the same.  Now, I bet Tonya is going to read this and think, well, that's it, I can NEVER have boiled dinner again.  Which isn't true.  Just the Big Guy has to be in the mood for boiled dinner.

So it's raining.  Not a lot of rain.  Just more of a heavy fog.  Which is making the Big Guy super happy.  He doesn't like the snow at all.  He will comment on the fact that he doesn't have to shovel the rain and then think he's funny when he says that.

He better not think that the snow is gone for the season.  I bet it will snow again before Winter is out.  I just checked the weather forecast.  So far, only a bit of snow for this after noon.  But nothing in the long range forecast.

Tonya and the Big Guy have finished watching this TV Series on Netflix.  It's called "Travelers".  There was three seasons.  They really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone.  The Big Guy and Tonya thought there was just enough Science Fiction, and Drama for it to be a great show to watch.

Tonya was telling the Big Guy, all the Christmas decorations are in the spare room, upstairs.  Now it's just to get them all to the attic.  That is a job that they do not look forward to.  The stairs are very steep going to the attic.  But when it's done, it's done.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is alone at the Dog Park

Bye bye fur now

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