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Wednesday, 2 January 2019

2/Jan/19 I've got my eye on you

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

This morning, I was waiting for the Big Guy to take my picture.  So I on'y had one eye open when the flash went off.

Tonya and the Big Guy took down the Christmas tree for another year.  So that's gone.  Now the other decorations must come down.  Normally this is a several day process, where a few items will get boxed up and then brought upstairs.  

Then when it's all in the guest bedroom, one day, they will start bringing it to the attic.  But due to the stairs to the attic being so steep, they normally pick a nice day to do this.  By that, I mean there is no real heat source for the attic.  They get cold while they are up there.  So they normally wait till the weather is a little warmer and then, they bring the Christmas stuff up to the attic.

Although, the Big Guy always put these few items outside.  I can't understand why he just doesn't put that stuff in the garage, vice taking to the attic.  Wouldn't that make a lot more sense?  I will have to keep an eye out on his and see what he does.  

The Big Guy has tomorrow off.

Sort of.  

He has a dentist appointment early in the morning.  This is normally for his annual cleaning.

No one really likes going to the dentist.  Now, myself, the Vet is my doctor and dentist, all in one.  They normally look over my teeth, but don't normally do anything but pull bad teeth out.  Thankfully, I still have all my teeth.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog with close up

Bye bye fur now

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