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Monday, 21 January 2019

21/Jan/19 I will just lay here in case you want to move

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Tonya isn't going anywhere without me knowing about it.

When she moves, I move.

Now, the Big Guy, well he can do what ever he wants.  When he gets food, he keeps it all to himself.  SO no sense getting up when he does.  It's just a waste of time.  No sense begging from him either.  I can drool all I want.  It has zero effect on him.

We did go for a walk yesterday.  It had just started to snow.  So I really couldn't see the ice all that well.  So I was slipping and sliding all over the place.  The Big Guy found that somewhat amusing.

When we got home, I was quite tired from all the slipping.  I just laid down.

Then, around supper time, the temperature went up and it started to rain.  A lot of rain too.  Most of the snow is gone.  Like I was saying yesterday, this only adds to the Big Guy's happiness.

This would not have happened when they lived in the Prairies.  It got cold there and it stayed cold for a long time.

But in the Prairies, they also couldn't see the Atlantic ocean from where they lived.  Where as here, you need only go upstairs and you can see the ocean.  Or at least Sydney Harbour, which is connected to the ocean.

The weather people were saying, due to this storm and the tides, being high, the tides were forecasted to be abnormally high.  We didn't go driving around to see that.  We just took their work for it.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog attacks the Rose Bush Cage

Bye bye fur now

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