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Sunday, 20 January 2019

20/Jan/19 I'm upset cause I can't find my bone

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I was all upset yesterday as I couldn't find my bone.  I do realize that you can see it in the picture above, but that's due to the flash on the camera illuminating the bone.

I looked for my bone for about 15 minutes.  Then jumped up on the couch and huffed in resignation that my bone was missing.

So this afternoon, we are supposed to get some snow.  But that will not last very long.  Then it's supposed to change to rain.  A lot of rain.  Lots and lots of rain.

Of course the Big Guy is smiling like an idiot.  He loves the rain.

He was snap chatting with his brother, commenting on how Moncton was going to get snow and lots and lots of snow.

But it's going to be difficult on those people that live in the middle of it all.  They are going to be the worst off as it will be freezing rain.  That stuff can take down power lines as it makes them far too heavy and then drags the power poles to the ground.

That happened in Quebec a bunch of years ago and people were without power for several weeks.  It even happened in New Brunswick a few years ago.  Again, people were without power for weeks.  Those storms are miserable.

In the city of Winnipeg, they have taken to putting the power lines under ground.  Which is great.  You need power to your house, they go to the central junction box and make the changes there.  It's amazing not to see power lines.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog destroys the paper bag

Bye bye fur now

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