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Monday, 7 January 2019

7/Jan/19 what's that you are eating

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy made Tonya a fish chowder.  There was lobster, shrimp and cod in it.  Along with onions, potatoes, carrots, butter, and whipped creme.  But Tonya did give me some of it.

The Big Guy just looked at her and didn't say anything.  He knows if I get itchy paws, it's because of the onions.  That's how you tell if your dog is allergic to some thing.  Their paws get itchy and they will lick and lick their paws, trying to get the itchy-ness.

But as you can see in the picture above, I will just lay my mouth on Tonya's chest and STARE at her while she eats.  She can't stand that.

When I try to do that to the Big Guy, I may as well be staring at a wall.  He doesn't share at all.

When the Big Guy does share, he puts it in my food dish, with out me realizing too.  I will suddenly find a surprise in my food dish that I wasn't expecting.

The Big Guy was checking out the notices that he gets on his out door camera.  You can only zoom so much before the picture becomes pixelated.  But he can definitely see that there is an animal of some sort in the picture.

What do you think it is?  You can see it to the center left of the driveway.  Is it a rat?

They can only put out so many traps, then it becomes a danger for me.  If I were to snap one of those rat traps, I could become seriously injured.  But it's not just their house that has rats around them.  Other people have made comments about having rats around their houses as well.

But ever since the Feral Cat society took all the cats away, now we got rats.  Well done people, well done.  It's like the Middle Ages all over again.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog empties his toy bucket

Bye bye fur now

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