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Tuesday, 15 January 2019

15/Jan/19 time to run over to the other window

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I get really upset when I see another dog outside.  I bark and bark to let them know that I live here.

Then, if anyone comes to the door.  Doesn't matter if it's the front or back door.  I will dash to the door to investigate.  Is it friend or foe.  I just NEED to know.

Then there is the barking.  I know that once someone is at the door, it's time to raise the alarm.  So I bark and bark.  As loud as I possibly can.

The folks at the weather network can't seem to make up their minds.  They say that were getting some snow in their video, but then in the forecast, just a light dusting.  Either way, the Big Guy is prepared.  He's got his jerry can filled with gas.  Tonya did that for him last week.  So he has got a lot of gas for his snow blower.

So far, the snow isn't too bad.  Of course it isn't melting as fast as what the Big Guy would like.  

Tonya was commenting on some snow storms that were happening in the United States.  Places that she didn't think they got a lot of snow, are getting 15 and 20 cm of snow.  Places like Tennessee and Kentucky.  You never hear about them on the news getting any snow.  But since it's happening, I guess they do get snow.

Are any of my readers out there, getting snow, that they would normally never get?  Please leave a comment below if you are.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog laying on the deck, enjoying the shade

Bye bye fur now

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