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Thursday, 3 January 2019

3/Jan/19 I'm just going to borrow your chair

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So it's the new year.  Nothing too special has happened so far.  At least not to me.  I think this is the part of the year where the decorations and what not, all come down and gets put away.  Then, next year, we will do it again.

Seems such a waste of time.  Put up the decorations, put them away, put them back up, put them away.

I wonder if people that live in other countries decorate as much as we do?  Or, do they just leave their decorations up?  All year round?

The Big Guy has a dentist appointment later on this morning.  They will clean his teeth.  They mustn't do a really good job as he will only be going back again in about 6 months.

I wonder if the Big Guy ate some of my dry kibble, would that clean his teeth like it does mine?  I'm willing to let him.  Tonya has often said how good my kibble smells.

It's the Big Guy's day off today.  I wonder if he's going to take most of the day to play is XBox.  Or is he going to do something productive?  You never know with him.  One minute he's just sitting around, the next, he's up to something and not telling anyone what he is up to.

Myself, I just enjoy laying around, taking it all in.

Oh, and walking, I really enjoy going for walks as well.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is home again

Bye bye fur now

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