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Monday, 28 January 2019

28/Jan/19 the bone is just too far away to reach

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the Big Guy made the turkey dinner yesterday.  Guess who gave me some turkey.  Yup, Tonya did.

Then, afterwards, guess who got to lick the plate when Tonya was having the lemon cheese cake.  Yup, that would be me.

Guess what else is back.  The snow.  But I hear that it's going to be short lived.  Were going to be getting more rain today.  So the snow...  poof...  will be gone soon enough.

Which of course pleases the Big Guy to no end.

The sound on the Big Guy's computer was gone again.  So he had to recover his computer files.  This fixed the sound, but now he has to re-install everything back on to his computer.  But once the files are back, his computer will be back to it's old self once again.

He just finds it a bit annoying that he has to go though all that all the time.

But he will often go to what ever website that he wants to look at.  He also knows that he shouldn't do that as well.  But he is also smart enough to know how to fix his computer.

Right now, the Big Guy needs to upgrade the security on his computer.  He is trying to get some stuff installed and of course, he has little patience for waiting.  He even woke up early as it was bugging him that he needed to restore his computer.

It didn't bug Tonya at all.  She is sleeping.

I know that the Big Guy gets up early.  But he just seen someone walking past his house.  They must work at Tim Hortons and have an early shift.  But the nice thing about having an early shift.  Your day is done quicker.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog dreaming about flying

Bye bye fur now

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