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Thursday, 2 November 2017

2/Nov/17 romper stomper bomper boo

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Some of you readers will understand the title is from "Romper Room".

Just like my non-furry Memere loves singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to kids.  They love that song.

Yesterday the Big Guy had to bring all the Halloween stuff home that he brought to work.  Well that all has to go in the attic.  Right now, it's sitting on the bedroom floor.  It still has to be brought to the attic.  It can be a big job.  Those stairs are kinda steep.  If I were to go upstairs, I'm not sure how I would get down again.  I don't think the Big Guy would be too happy if I were to go up there.  

Oh but think of the dead bugs I could eat.  He told me that there is a lot of them up there.  There is nothing for them to eat.  So I'm not sure what brings them up there.  Bugs can be dumb at times.

The Big Guy woke up early today.  He said that his knee and legs are sore.  Must be from all that walking the Halloween stuff up and down the stairs.  He said that they should sell a bunch of the Halloween stuff.  Tonya said "NO".

Then again, I'm sure if Tonya said to sell some of his XBox stuff, he would react the very same.

Tomorrow is garbage day.  I wonder if they are going to walk me tonight or this morning.  If it's tonight, that means I get to smell some WONDERFUL garbage.

Bye bye for now

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