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Tuesday, 28 November 2017

28/Nov/17 it's dark on the deck

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

You can see my "glow" eyes in the dark.  Also, my white chest fur is a dead give away.

So as you can see, there is no longer a screen door going to the deck.  It's now, just a steel door that leads out to the deck.  The Big Guy thought, with that panel busted in, there is sharp metal that I may catch myself on.

You can also see in this picture, the person(s) that painted the house, didn't wait for the walls to be completely dry before they were painting.  So all the paint has lifted and peeled.  He can't wait to get siding on the house.

Tonya's doing this thing at work, called "Floor Support".  Well that means she is on her feet for about 4 hours.  That is a lot for her.  So she isn't out walking me.  Only myself and the Big Guy went for our walk.  

We walked past this one guys house.  They also have a dog named "Max".  But they have another dog and he gets really upset when I walk past.  His owner had to come out and take him inside as he was barking a lot.  I don't think she seen me walking with the Big Guy.

I don't walk past Bailey's house that often.  She lives with this mean doggie that always wants to bite me.  Then, there is other OTHER dog that lives next door.  He is no better.  He always lunges at me.  His lead reaches part way across the side walk.  But their house is for sale, so they should be moving soon.  So perhaps I will get to see Bailey once again.  I will just have to avoid that other dog she lives with.

This morning, the Big Guy has to make this spiraled noodles from zucchini.  Then he has to fry up the zucchini to go with the meat balls that he has made.  They are still trying to loose weight.  I wonder how soon it will be before they add potatoes back in their menu.  I used to get potatoes every so often.  I loved them.  But I also love the fact that my owners are trying to loose weight too.  Guess I can't have it both ways.

Bye bye fur now.

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