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Wednesday, 4 January 2017

4/Jan/16 she didn't expect me to jump up

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I will not be ignored.  When I want Tonya's attention, I get it.  In the picture above, she was playing on her computer.  So I jumped up behind her and wrapped my front paws around her neck.  My dew claws were digging in, this is why she was saying it hurts.

Last week, the Big Guy got me a new bone to chew on.  This one is really hard.  But once I got the marrow out of the center, he jammed a treat inside and then plugged up the end with peanut butter.  Well I still can't get to the treat.  I keep chewing on it when ever I get my mind to it.

I get quiet every so often and will find something else to chew on.  Normally it isn't something that I should be chewing on.

I hear that the Christmas decorations will be coming down soon.  Probably by this weekend, they will all be put away.

The Big Guy told me that he isn't going to be doing as many cooking blogs.  He was doing one for one with my own blog.  But he is finding he is running out of material.  So now he is going to do a video for each cooking blog he does.  So not as much content, but better content.  In the end, people will enjoy it better.

At least that is his plan.  Then he also plans to have this "Angry Scotsman" doing appearances in his video.  We will see how that goes.

Bye bye for now.

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