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Friday, 27 January 2017

27/Jan/17 my new collar is VERY reflective

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Look at this picture of me and look how much light is coming off my new collar.  If you click on the picture, it will go full screen for you to get a better view.

See that wing chair to the right of this picture?  That is where the Big Guy sits to play his video games.  His controller is wireless, so he can sit far away from the TV when he is playing.  I will occasionally go to him for a pat and some attention.  Well, that doesn't always work so well.

Yesterday I got REALLY sick in my kennel.  When Tonya came home, she could smell something that was rotten.  As she got closer to my kennel, she seen that it was me.  I had puke all in my chest and on my legs.

She cleaned me up and put me outside.

Then she cleaned up my kennel.

But I still smelled like barf when she brought me to pick up the Big Guy from work.

When we got home, the Big Guy held my collar and I had no idea what was going on.  THEN IT HAPPENED!  He started to spray me with that Blue Berry Cheese Cake dry shampoo.  I really don't like being sprayed with that stuff.  I bounced away from the spray.  But the Big Guy had a firm grip on my collar.  So I really couldn't run away.

So now, I smelled like barf and cheese cake.

Does your doggie smell bad?  You can buy this spray at WalMart.  Here is the link:

The Big Guy gave me a sniff this morning and he said that I smell OK now.

Bye bye for now.

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