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Friday, 13 January 2017

13/Jan/17 I found it like that

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I have NO CLUE how that magazine got ripped up.  Do you think we have a ghost or something like that?  It is Friday the 13th after all.  Almost looks like Freddy came for a visit with those great big knives coming from his fingers.

I wonder if the Big Guy will video Tonya finding this?  That would be funny.  Right?  Yes, it's a joke.  No one got hurt.  Just a prank.  ha ha...  right...  are you guys with me on this?

Why do I only hear crickets?

I am sure that I am going to be blamed for this.  So I am hiding.  I am at the back door all curled up in a ball with my face towards the door.  No one can see me right now.  I know this is true cause I can't see anyone else.

The Big Guy told me that he is going to be staying home with me today.  Something about "Feed the Fever, and Starve the Cold".  He is going to get a blankie and sleep on the couch all day long.  He hasn't been sleeping well the last few days.  He got a "Man Cold".  Gawd...  now Tonya is going to have to listen to him whine and complain.  For such a big man, he is going to be such a big baby.

Today it is +8.  But the weather man is saying -8 for tomorrow.  Talk about extreme temperature differences.  The Big Guy is pretty happy about all this.  No snow to deal with.

Bye bye for now.

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