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Wednesday, 18 January 2017

18/Jan/17 are you looking at ME?

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Last night, I got such a nice surprise.  The Big Guy's friend from work, well he came by to walk me and his own doggie, Kylo.

As soon as we were outside, Kylo got off his leash.  Tonya got so scared.  Kylo is not near his own home and he was running out on to the street.  One of her friends doggie, well, he ran out on to the street and he got hit by a car.  He is no longer with his forever family.  He had to go to doggie heaven.  His forever family is really sad.

The Big Guy went out on the front deck and tried to call Kylo, but he wouldn't have any of it.  He was just having too much fun running around and around.

When Shaun got back with me, he said that I can pull really HARD.  But I have these really big paws and I can dig into the ground.  

Shaun said that I don't like to cross the road.  That is true.  Normally I only go for a walk around the block and never cross the road.

The Big Guy REALLY needs to put gas in his gerry can.  It is going to snow today, and there really isn't enough gas in his snow blower to go very far.  So I am thinking, after he drops Tonya off at work, he should fill that can.  Otherwise, he could regret it.

Bye bye for now.

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