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Saturday, 14 January 2017

14/Jan/17 look way up, and I will call Rusty

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I don't know who said "A dog can't look up". I am looking up.  Perhaps they meant something else.  People are weird.

So the Big Guy is still feeling sick.  He is all sniffles and snot.  Yesterday he kinds slouched on the couch, covered himself with a blanket and watches movies.  When I say he watched movies, that is a big of a lie.  He would sleep, wake up, sleep again, wake up, fall asleep again.  Why didn't he just go upstairs and go to bed?

Tonya had to go to work.  I am sure she would have liked to stay home.  But she has to get money so that she can buy my food.

It got cold again.  Yesterday it was +8 and today it is -10.  Why does the weather do that?  I heard the Big Guy say that he wishes he lived in place where it was warm all the time.  He said that the air hurts his face when he goes outside in the cold.

BUT when it is cold out, the mosquitoes are not around.  So that is a win, right?

I gotta go.  The Big Guy wants to use the computer.

Bye bye for now.

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