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Friday, 20 January 2017

20/Jan/17 picture of my undercarriage 4 x studded paws for the snow

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

It's no wonder I can pull so hard when I am out of a walk.  Look at my 4 studded paws.  We're talking maximum grip in the snow, ice, mud.  We're really talking about all terrain paws here.

They can pick up the dirt really easy and make the rest of me dirty when I go mudding.

That is about the only reason that the Big Guy can appreciate winter.  When I track in the snow, it melts and then will dry up on the floor.  Although Tonya can appreciate this a lot more.  She is the one that cleans the floors.  She said that when she got the Big Guy to do the floor, he does a "lick job".

I am sure that you ladies know what I mean.  You must have a husband that will do the fastest cleaning job that you have EVER seen.  Then you have to go around behind him, bringing it up to YOUR standards.  A dirty house doesn't reflect on "him" does it...

The Big Guy was REALLY late getting up this morning.  He slept in.  That is really strange for him.  Now I bet his whole day will be put off.  Good thing he can make up his schedule so that he is back on track.

Yesterday the Big Guy got me a raw hide treat.  It's gone now of course.  I ate it in about 2 hours.  But I was quite for 2 hours.  Tonya says that they are not good for me.  Does anyone out there have any thoughts about that?  Otherwise, I can't see the retailers selling them if they are not good for us doggies.

Bye bye for now.

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