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Tuesday, 24 January 2017

24/Jan/17 I am as long as Tonya is tall

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Can you see just how TALL I am getting?

This morning, I was getting scratches from the Big Guy.  He wanted me to pay attention to something that was outside.  Well if it wasn't a friggin stray cat and he was IN MY YARD!

I would have NONE of that.  I barked.  I ran from window to window.  I barked more.  I jumped up on the window sill trying to show the cat just who is boss.

Eventually the Big Guy put me outside and I was not able to find that cat.

That cat has some nerve being in my yard.

So scary weather is coming to the Maritimes.  Freezing rain for today and this evening.  Then, tomorrow, upwards of 45 mm of rain.  That's just shy of 2 inches of rain.  Now, this wouldn't be scary in the summer time.  Yes, it's a lot of rain, but right now the ground is frozen.  So the rain isn't going to soak into the ground.

There is going to be a lot of flooding.  HUGE puddles on the road and what not.  So everyone better drive safe.

The Big Guy salted the back deck and area where he parks his car, prior to this freezing rain we are supposed to get.  That should make the back steps less dangerous.  

I got a friend that reads my blog everyday who had a Birthday yesterday.  She lives in West Virginia.  Everyone say hello to Carolyn.

Bye bye for now

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