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Tuesday, 3 January 2017

3/Jan/17 where is my motorbike?

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I am wearing my doggles a little bit more each time that Tonya tries them on me.  Do I look sexy with them on?

Yesterday the Big Guy made this Chicken Gumbo.  The most I got to do was lick Tonya's bowl.  Man oh man, that was some good stuff.  No wonder people make that.  But it does take a long time to make it though.  Preparation time and then cooking it in stages.  But the big guy doesn't seem to mind it too much.  He was quiet while he was cooking.

I was sniffing the air when he took out the sausages.  Oh they smelled good!  If you were to look at the video of him cooking, I show up several times in the video.  But in this picture, I am standing on my four paws and I can lift my mussel just above the counter.  Can you imagine how much trouble I would get into if I were to jump up and just look around the counter top?

Bye bye for now.

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