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Tuesday, 7 September 2021

7/Sep/21 I see you creeping around in the dark


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday the Big Guy made this gumbo for Tonya's lunch.  She also brought some in for one of her co-workers.  A lot of the other people that were there, forgot it was the Labour Day weekend and that Sobey's was closed.  They had to go find a restaurant that was open.

The Big Guy also made this bacon, chicken and rice thing.  He said it lacked something.  He said that it was sort of bland.

The Big Guy plans to go to the store today.  He said that they are out of a few things that he wants.  Now, it may be in the house, but he can't find it.  That isn't unusual.  Tonya says, he looks with his nose and not his eyes.

There was a Hurricane Ida that hit the USA last week.  It was the most expensive storm to hit the USA.  There is lots and lots of people without power.

They were showing people's houses that were blown apart.  It was really sad to watch.

When the Big Guy got up this morning, Tonya told him to put me outside.

Well he didn't.  

He did his "bathroom" first.

I got bored so I went back to find Tonya.

She got mad at the Big Guy and told him that my paws were crossed.  I mean, yes, I had to pee, but not that bad.

But I was super happy when she got up.

I wonder what she is going to make us for breakfast?

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gobbling his apple

Bye bye fur now

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