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Tuesday, 28 September 2021

28/Sep/21 that sky raisin has to go


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday, the Big Guy and Floyd drove to Inverness.  Floyd needed to go to the hospital.

Tonya wanted the Big Guy to walk Floyd into the hospital and walk around with him.

The Big Guy doesn't do that.

Your an adult now.  You want to hold his hand, come along for the drive.  Otherwise, the Big Guy drives.  That's it.

Tonya wasn't too happy that the Big Guy was sitting in the parking lot and not in the waiting room.  She wanted updates on Floyd's condition.

The Big Guy seen Floyd walk out of the hospital and he sat in the front seat of the car.

The Big Guy phones home and tells Floyd, talk to your mother.  Let her know what's going on.

As it turns out, Baby Floyd stuck his finger in Floyd's eye.  

Floyd was thinking, he is going to loose his sight.

Pretty scary stuff.

But, as much as he is hurt, he isn't going to loose his sight.

Today, the Big Guy has to drive Floyd to the Regional Hospital and he will see a specialist there.

The Big Guy will not be going into the hospital.  He will drive and drop him off and then go wait for a call to come back to the front door to pick him up.  But he will NOT be going into the hospital.  Nope.

I wonder how upset Tonya is going to be?

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog with close up

Bye bye fur now

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