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Saturday 11 September 2021

11/Sep/21 I'm gonna get you sky raisin


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy isn't sure how it happened, but there is a house fly in our house.

It's been landing on his quite often while he's been playing his XBox.

As you can possibly guess, he isn't too happy about it.

At one time, there would have been as many as 4 or 5 fly swatters in the house.

Now, for some reason, there are 0.

Did people come for a visit and secretly walk out with them?

Did they get thrown in the trash for missing too many flies?

He just doesn't know.

It's time to make a purchase of more fly swatters.

I bet because it's late in the season, all the fly swatters have been put away by all the stores and their Halloween stuff has been put out instead.

Talking of Halloween stuff, the Big Guy has been saying, for several years now, that it's time to get some of the stuff that he has in the attic, and sell it.

But it also has to be done BEFORE Halloween, and not after.  After is too late.

Same with some of the Christmas stuff they got in the attic.  He is sure, some of it should go in the trash as it's broken.  It can be hard to sell stuff like that though.  Some has sentimental value.

Just as long as he doesn't sell my food dish, he can sell what ever he wants.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the solar butterfly

Bye bye fur now

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