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Saturday, 25 September 2021

25/Sep/21 give me some kisses


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

When Tonya gets home from work, I will jump up on the chair with her.

She will complain that I am too big to be in the chair with her.  Then when she yells, GET OFF!  I know it's time to get down.

But, before she does that, it's time to get hugs and kisses from her.

The weather isn't going to co-operate for sitting out today.  It's going to rain.  Although the Big Guy was surprised when he looked out the window and seen that the road was wet.  He wasn't expecting it to rain yesterday.

The Big Guy was surprised yesterday that his trap caught two mice.

It's an electric trap, so it zaps them dead.  Since there are no mice around the house, he figures, they were trying to get inside from the cold, found the peanut butter and BOOM, dead.

We used to have rats in our yard.  Not lately though.

Tonya and the Big Guy say it's because they tore down 3 buildings in our area.  The elementary school, which they rebuilt.  The Forum and the Parrish Center.  They didn't rebuild those.

But the animals that would have lived in those buildings, had to go somewhere.

There is a fox that visits our yard.

The Big Guy is pretty certain, that is why we don't have rats.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog looks forward to Aurora dumping her food

Bye bye fur now

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