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Tuesday, 31 December 2019

31/Dec/19 it's the last day of the year 2019

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

As I am writing this, I'm pretty sure, there is other parts of the planet, where it is already 2020.  Then, as the planet continues to rotate, each time zone will also enter the year 2020.

The Big Guy remembers the Y2K scare.  I'm sure some of you are old enough to remember that.

That is when it went from the year 1999 to 2000.  Prior to that, computers only used the last two digits for the year.  Look at the Blog subject line, you will see the example there.  Well they din't know how computers were going to resolve the issue when rolling over the year from 99 to 00.  People thought that the planet was going to cease to exist.

Then, there was the Mayan Calendar scare.  That would have been the year 2012.  Once again, people were freaking out.  Look you dumb arse, what happens when your yearly calendar gets to the end?  You go buy a new calendar for the new year.  

People can be so stupid at times.

Dogs, we don't have calendars.  We got a food dish.  When it's empty, we wonder if it will be filled again.  According to Tonya, if it were left to the Big Guy, apparently I would starve.  Same with my water dish.

It's not like I can ring a bell to get them to fill my bowls back up.  

I'm not Pavlov's dog.

See you next year...

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having his first swim

Bye bye fur now

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