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Friday, 6 December 2019

6/Dec/19 this is my getting woke up in the morning face

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

When the Big Guy comes down stairs, I don't get as excited as when Tonya comes down stairs.

I mean, I'm happy and all that, but when I start jumping and barking, the Big Guy doesn't react and he will wait till I'm done before he moves on.

So, in essence, he has taught me, wait for him to come down stairs, he will pat you and tell you, your a good boy.

Now, when Tonya comes down stairs.  She is grumpy bear.  No coffee.  Still not awake.  She yells and makes greeting her exciting.  It's time to jump and bark.  Bounce your paws off her.  Step on her feet (that's always a good one), that's good for a different yell.  Her yelling gets me even more excited.  Time to roll out the LOUD BARKS!  Then, when she gets down stairs, she will head towards the kitchen.  She wants a coffee, but I've got her trained to get me a cookie treat before she gets her coffee.  I will herd her towards the treat bucket.

Talking of treat bucket.

Tonya's sister, Elaine.  She is a diabetic.  But she also craves sugar.  Man oh man, does she EVER crave sugar.

So my dog treats, they are in a glass cookie jar.  They are in the kitchen.  Right by the paper towel.

Elaine loves cookies.  Especially sweet cookies.  Well, she seen the full cookie jar.  Of course, I know it's filled with dog treats.  

Elaine grabs, what she thinks is a cookie.  Of course, I run to her.  I look into her eyes to wait for the treat.

Hey...  what are you doing with that doggie treat?  It's for DOGS!  NOT HUMANS!  She is going to eat my doggie treat.

Now, the Big Guy is cruel at times.  He seen her reach in to the cookie jar and he KNEW she was going to eat the dog treat, thinking it was a cookie.  He is smiling.  Tonya finally takes notice what Elaine is doing and yells at her not to eat the dog treat.  Elaine finally notices the cookie, isn't a cookie, but a dog treat.  She give it to me and I run off to eat the dog treat.

The Big Guy was disappointed.  Well, not too much.  He knew having a dog treat, well, it wouldn't hurt her.  Although it may have tasted weird.

Now Elaine is upset that she found out, we keep dog treats in the cookie jar and not people cookies.  She asked Tonya, why would we do that?  Well, first off, we don't eat very many cookies, as we don't need them.  Second, your a diabetic and you REALLY don't need any cookies.  Third, this is our house and we can keep what ever we want in our cookie jars.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog barks at other dogs

Bye bye fur now

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