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Saturday, 28 December 2019

28/Dec/19 sitting in the corner, looking at the XMas stuff

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Well, soon enough, like probably next week, or the week after that, the Big Guy and Tonya will be taking down the XMas stuff and putting it in the attic for another year.

They have a lot MORE stuff up in that attic, but stuff they didn't put out.  The Big Guy says it's because of me.  That my tail creates havoc with stuff.  

It does.

There is knick knacks that Tonya put on the coffee table.  My tail has knocked them over countless times.  The Big Guy just lets them stay knocked over.

So it snowed last night.  Not a lot.  Just enough if you were to ask the Big Guy.  But enough that he will be taking the shovel out to get rid of some of the snow off the steps and the front walk to the street.  He doesn't want the mail man to bitch.  Also, he creates a path for the oil guy too.  He is more worried about the oil guy than the mail man.  Bills can pile up, oil to heat the house, can't wait.

The Big Guy is hoping that they will only get 1 or 2 blizzards this year.  Then...  poof, it's Spring.  No more snow.

He lives in a magical world.

I bet it's lonely there.  Ahem...  it snows in Canada...  get used to it...

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is kinda big for the kiddy pool

Bye bye fur now

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