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Friday, 27 December 2019

27/Dec/19 the front door is mine, you must pay the toll to pass

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy was wandering around the house this morning, in the dark, looking for me.  He waits till the morning to take my picture.  Honestly, he could follow me around for one day and take several pictures of me and then just post a picture that he had take a few days earlier.

But he feels that would be "cheating".

All day yesterday, Tonya was not feeling all that well.  She has been dealing with vertigo for a long time.  Yesterday was NOT a good day for her.  She is hoping it passes.  Same with the Big Guy.  Although he doesn't have vertigo.  He just hopes that Tonya can feel better soon.

With that being said, the Big Guy got to spend most of his day, either napping, or playing his XBox.

He got these new battery packs.  He LOVES them.  Now he doesn't have to remove the battery to even charge the controller.  He just places on the recharge unit and it does it all for him.

Hmmm...  once I mentioned this in my blog, guess what the Big Guy did.  He put the XBox controller on the recharge unit.

Then there is this game he's been playing for a long time.  It is called "Civilization".  Well I guess there is a newer version that is out.  He is going to wait for the price to come down first.  He is pretty good about stuff like that.

Myself, I don't play video games.

There really isn't any game system that has been created for doggies.

Yes, there is the play fetch thingy.  You drop the ball and it fires it away.  Or the treat dispense thingy.  But it's not the same.  Oh well, some day, I will get my own game system.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the Jolly Egg

Bye bye fur now

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