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Saturday, 21 December 2019

21/Dec/19 calculating new route

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, laying in "the way" is my "thing" in life.

I'm pretty sure the Big Guy knows that and goes out of his way to do this "shuffle step" towards me.  He also waves his hand in front of him, which pretty much tells me, get up and move or you will be pushed aside.

Which, by the way, I've seen him do.  If he wants to go in such and such a direction, you better not stand in his way.

He has done that at the grocery store, at Canadian Tire, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, etc.  He will stand VERY close to you if your in his way.  Now, suddenly, you feel that someone is in "your space".  The Big Guy will smile at you and say "sorry, but a man of this fine figure to get past..."  So far, everyone wants him out of "their space" and will move.  

Now, the Big Guy doesn't go around, trying to intimidate people.  He only seems to do this to people that are "in the way".  These are people that stand in the middle of the aisle, holding a conversation, which they could do, but MOVE ASIDE, where you are "OUT OF THE WAY".  He does find that old people tend to do this.  It may be very pleasant for you to catch up with a dear friend, but do so to the side of the aisle where your not impeding someone, like the Big Guy, who is shopping.

Oh, and something else, do NOT bump the Big Guy with your shopping cart.  People have done that when he is in line.  Suddenly he will stop noticing that the person in front of him has moved forward and there is now a gap where he can move forward.  He will now fixate on something that got his attention inside his grocery cart.  Which may give someone else in another line the potential to skip in front of him.  Which is only too happy to let happen at this point.  So, NEVER bump him with your cart in the hopes to make him "close up the gap".  Some one did this about 4 months ago when he was at Price Chopper in Sydney.  They bumped him 3 times.  He turned and looked at the person.  He didn't say anything, he just looked at them, at their cart, where they bumped him (his hip) and back at them.  Tonya didn't notice what he was doing.  But the person got VERY uncomfortable with him just looking at the person, they went away and waited in another line.

Oh and the lane that displays 10 or less items, the Big Guy will be counting your stuff as you put it on "the belt".  As you are leaving, you might even hear him comment to the cashier, that math must not have been your strong suit while you were in school.

Yes, the Big Guy says stuff to people that "needs to be said".  There are social cues that people need to follow.  Step out of line and you can bet he's likely going to tell you that you have done so.  He is just "kind" like that.

Don't even get him started about the people that park in the fire lane.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his balloon

Bye bye fur now

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