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Saturday, 14 December 2019

14/Dec/19 are you getting me to cuddle cause your cold

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, the Big Guy is always conscious about what the temperature is set to on the house thermostat.  He bought a new thermostat that is programmable.  But there will come to a point when he will give in and turn the heat up on the house.

Now, his brother-in-laws.  They fight over the thermostat.  One will turn it up to 25 C in order to heat the house up "quickly".  Now, this really doesn't happen.  Even if you set it to 25 C, it will only heat up so fast.  

Then, once the house it at 22 or 23 C, the other brother-in-law, who doesn't like the heat as much, will come over, and turn the heat down to 15 C.

Then, the other brother-in-law, looks at the thermostat and figures it's broken.  The house is at 22 C and the temp is set to 15 C.  He goes off, muttering to himself about having to replace the thermostat.

The temp will continue to fall as all 3 of them are smokers and will go outside for a smoke.  They leave the inside door open, while having the screen door closed.  This lets a lot of the heat that is left in the house, escape outside.

The first brother-in-law, sees the temp is now at 18 or 19 C.  So he cranks it back up to 25 C, to get the house warm "fast" again.

The third brother-in-law, hears the furnace and wonders if the thermostat has "fixed itself".  Goes to investigate, sees that the temp is now set to 25 C, and wonders if that's the only setting where the thermostat will actually work.  He goes away, muttering that the thermostat has to be replaced.

The second brother-in-law feels the heat coming up in the house, wonders what the other two have set the thermostat at, goes to look, sees that it's set to 25 C.  Turns it back down to 15 C.

So...  do you think that they would set it to 20.5 or 21 C and LEAVE IT ALONE?  Nope, this is just how the thermostat works at my brother-in-laws house.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog picnic table part 1

Bye bye fur now

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