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Monday, 23 December 2019

23/Dec/19 it would please me for you to walk around

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

You would think for a house that is large as it is, and me, being as small as I am, that I wouldn't be in the way, when I go to my food dish for a drink of water, or a few bites of kibble.

But, here it is, I'm minding my own business and suddenly, all the foot traffic in the house needs to go past me.

So, yesterday, it was sunny skies most of the day.  I mean, one of those stunning blue skies.  Not a cloud to be seen anywhere.  It was cold, without it being bitterly cold.  Just a nice Winter day.

But, after supper, the clouds came in for a visit.

Around 8 last night, I swear, you could have heard jingle bells.  But it also started to snow.  Not snowing hard.  But snowing enough to make everything fresh and white.  Exactly what you need for it to look like Christmas.

Just like, right now, it isn't really that cold.  Just cold enough for the snow not to melt.  When I look at the Weather Network, there is only a dusting of snow that's in the forecast.

The Big Guy is very pleased with this amount of snow.  So far, the snow shovel has remained inside the house and hasn't seen any action.

The salt truck hasn't come by.  Even the street is white.

Christmas...  It's my favorite time of the year.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog enjoys the love seat with Uncle Terry

Bye bye fur now

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