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Friday, 13 December 2019

13/Dec/19 it's Friday the 13th in December, no wonder it's frightfully cold outside

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I was reading on Facebook that it is colder in Winnipeg Manitoba that it is on the planet Mars.  I bet they are really hoping for Global Warming to kick in soon.  My non-furry sister, Linda, she lives in Winnipeg.

The Big Guy lived there for 7 years.  But due to how cold it got there, they didn't have to worry about the snow so much.  It was NEVER the wet and heavy stuff.  It was always the light and fluffy snow.  Obviously the snow blower never had any issues dealing with it.

So far, it's been snowing in Cape Breton, but not a lot of snow.  Just enough to keep stuff white.

But that ends all today.  It is going to warm up and it's going to rain.  A lot of rain.  So, due to the ground being frozen, the rain is going to puddle.  It's going to be hard driving around with those huge puddles being all over the place.

Lately, the Big Guy has been playing this sniper game on his XBox.  He doesn't really play those high action games.  He prefers slower, more thinking type games.  Being a sniper, well, it's take a long time to get into your place and then there is long periods of waiting.  He doesn't mind that type of game at all.  He managed to get the game on sale for $10.00.  He is just so happy with it.

The garbage guy should be coming around soon.  Lately, they have always been putting the garbage out on Thursday evening.  Otherwise, there was one or two days, the garbage man came by before the Big Guy was up.  So now, he just puts the garbage out Thursday night.

I know, eh...  First World Problems...  They are real.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying to eat with a cone on his head

Bye bye fur now

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