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Monday 9 December 2019

9/Dec/19 there I was, gone

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Do you see me in the picture above?

Neither did Tonya and the Big Guy.

My lead was there.  So was my collar.

But me...

I escaped.

Although you can't see it, but there used to be a tree stump at the top of the driveway.  Well that rotted and then the Big Guy used to take the charcoal from his BBQ and would dump it on the tree stump.

Eventually the tree stump bunt away and left a huge hole in the ground.

Well, the Big Guy wants to fill in the hole.

He has been using kitchen compost to back fill the hole.

Well that stuff smells GREAT!  Every time I am outside, I go right to where the tree stump used to be.

When I was on my lead, I would sniff the air and I could smell the compost.

In the past, I've been known to get off my lead.  Well, yesterday, the smell of the compost was too much.  I turned myself around and popped the collar off.  FREEDOM!  I went to the compost area.  Nothing to eat there.  Oh wait, the green bin is up the driveway.  Poof!  I'm gone.  Hmmm...  green bin was dumped last Friday.  Oh there are other green bins.  I'm off.  Down Court St.

Did I just see the curtains move on that house.  Yea, what ever.  I'm off for an adventure.

Wait, Piper the dog lives over there.  I go sniff.  No piper.  BORING.  I'm off again.

I can smell another dog over there.  I better pee on the lamp post to let that dog know I was there.

Hey, is that my next door neighbor?  I better go say hello.

Why is he tugging at my neck?  I don't have a collar on you dumb human.

Hey, is that my car?  There is Tonya.  She wants me to go for a drive?  I LOVE DRIVES!  I hop into the back seat.

WTF?  Your backing up in the driveway?  Aren't we going for a drive?  We are going the WRONG WAY!  Your supposed to LEAVE the driveway.

Mitch speaking: SO...  Max got off his lead yesterday.  Our neighbor, Jim and Calista seen Max on their street and gave us a call.  We hopped into the car and Max was at the top of the driveway with Lorne.  Lorne is trying to corral Max, but without a collar, it was difficult. Tonya got out of the car, called Max to go for a drive, Max jumped into the car and we backed up and got Max back into the house.

Max will be using the back deck for when he wants to go outside now.  It's enclosed and he can't escape.

Thankfully, the blog will continue...

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog enjoying the day at the dog park

Bye bye fur now

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