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Thursday, 19 December 2019

19/Dec/19 if you leave me alone, then I'm a good dog

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Tonya will be getting up in a few hours from now.  I am so excited to see her.  I will jump and bark to show her just how excited I am.

I think she should have a coffee maker in the bathroom.  Then she could have her coffee BEFORE she comes downstairs.

I'm not sure of the reference, but the Big Guy often calls her "Grumpy Bear" in the morning.

He doesn't even say "good morning" until she has had her first sip of her coffee.

So...  talking of the Big Guy, he's up to his old tricks again.

He is making a chicken stew.  Well, he still has to go to Superstore and get a chicken.  But he's got the potatoes and carrots on the boil.  The celery that is left, well, he wouldn't refer to it as celery as there is only a few stalks left.  

Then, he is also thinking of getting some parchment paper so that he can make some tea biscuits.  I certainly hope he makes them WITHOUT raisins.  That way, I get to bum some of the biscuits off of Tonya.

If he makes the tea biscuits WITH raisins, then I can't have any.  Raisins are not good for dogs at all.  They are like poison to us.

So, if you live close by and would like to drop in for a visit and have some "comfort food", please feel free to do so.  

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his Milk Crate of Toys

Bye bye fur now

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