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Friday, 8 February 2019

8/Feb/19 tell me again about Santa and the fire place

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So were supposed to get some freezing rain today.  Not sure exactly how much.  But then were also supposed to get rain too.  So any freezing rain that we get, is going to be off set by the rain.  So I don't think it's going to be that big of a deal.

The Big Guy put the Green Bin to the curb.  That doesn't go out that often.  But I bet it's all frozen inside.  So they may attempt to dump it, but it may not exactly dump.  Guess they will find out later.

I also don't think they are going to put it back to where it was originally.  The rats are back and are going though the bin.  There is supposed to be a screen on the side to let any liquids drip out.  Well that screen is missing.  So the rats go inside, feast and will some times bring out stuff that was inside the bin.

Which is good for all the other animals that goes for a visit around the green bin.

They used to have a lot of feral cats around here.  But the SPCA rounded them all up.  Now there are no more cats.  But there certainly is a lot of rats now.

Good job SPCA....  Good job...

Did you ever hear of the Black Plague?  That may be an indication to leave the feral cats ALONE!

But the Big Guy did see a cat on the garage cam the other day.  So who knows...  with all the rats, the cats might come back.

Now if we can only get the SPCA to cool their jets for a bit.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog pictures from September 2016

Bye bye fur now

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