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Tuesday, 5 February 2019

5/Feb/19 how much is that doggie in the window

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I'be dream of running with other dogs and then having a little "cuddle" with some special dog out there.  But my humans made sure that I will not be able to make any puppies.  There are way too many dogs that gets abandoned and perhaps brought to the SPCA.  

You only want to go to the SPCA to get your annual dog tags.  

When Tonya and the Big Guy lived in Winnipeg, they decided to get this wee small dog.  Turns out the wee small dog was NOT good with children.  The wee small dog went back to the SPCA.  They tried to guilt the Big Guy, by saying, if he returned her to the SPCA, she would have to be euthanized.   You don't want to put that on the Big Guy.  He asked the lady, would she need any help doing that to the wee small dog?  He wasn't kidding either.  It was NOT a good day for the wee small dog.

The Big Guy is going to be watching a new episode of Celebrity Big Brother.  Oh there is one person that is on that show that the Big Guy just does NOT like at all.  She is so full of drama.  She was cooking some shrimp and one fell out of the pan and on to the floor.  One of the guys got out the broom and dust pan and told her, she should be careful when she is cooking.  Instead of her thanking the guy for cleaning up the shrimp, she took offense and took it that he was attacking how she is a mother to her son.  

Really?  That's the connection you make?  Some one else is cleaning up your mess so that you might not slip and fall, and you take offence to this and make the leap of the guy questioning how you raise your son?

Your a freak and so is all the people that follow you on social media.

BUT, it is also "Reality TV" and your supposed to take offence to everything.

Still, the Big Guy would love to take her to the SPCA.  BOOM BITCH!

Your Blast From the Past

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog pictures from June 2016

Bye bye fur now

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