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Saturday, 16 February 2019

16/Feb/19 this is not the gourmet kibbles I was expecting

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So it's Saturday.

Normally Saturday means that the Big Guy will make some sort of biggie breakfast.  Today, he's made the bacon and will be cooking some sausages.  Then making some toast and likely some fried eggs.

Now...  I have a plan...

But I also think that the Big Guy already knows what my plan is.  So it all hinges on Tonya.  If I try this on the Big Guy, he will give me the "stink eye" and nothing will come of it.

When Tonya comes down stairs, I will greet her with all the enthusiasm that I normally do.

I will vocalize.  I will bark.  I will jump.  I will try to give her kisses.  I will bump into her as she is trying to get to her morning coffee.

I know this will make her yell at me.  But hey, she's paying attention to me.  So it's not all bad.

Then, when she has her coffee, she will confirm that the Big Guy has indeed, made the biggie breakfast.

She will bring her breakfast to the living room to watch the morning news with the Big Guy.

As she is trying to eat, I will put one paw up and then the other.  Then I will stare right into her eyes and her plate as she is trying to eat.

She will yell at me again, but then I will also turn on the drool.  She will get disgusted and she will give me her breakfast.  Not all of it mind you.  But some of it.

This plan has been working for the last 2 1/2 years now.

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