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Friday, 15 February 2019

15/Feb/19 I dream of Jeannie and the other ladies

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy went to work and made Tonya a little jewelry box.  He has this word of the day calendar.  Everyday, he removes the paper for the previous day, looks at today's word and put the old piece of paper in a pile, that he keeps next to his computer.  So he has a stack of ready to use scrap paper.

So he took several pages and with Scotch Tape, he creates a box.  Inside the box, he put this little plastic jewel.  Well, it's actually quite big.  They got them all over the place at their work in the cafeteria.  

Then on the lid of the box, he put Happy Valentines Day Tonya XOXOX.  

This made her VERY happy.

So was there other stuff that people done out there to make their significant other feel special?

I know one of the ladies at work, she got a dozen roses from her boyfriend.  All the ladies at work were going...  aaaawww...

The Big Guy isn't always smart about stuff and he had to think about who would send the roses to his co-worker.  If it doesn't effect him directly, he doesn't put a lot of thinking into stuff.  He thought and thought some more.  Then he remembered the guy that is going out with his co-worker.

So it's Friday.  

Which is garbage day.

But those people that pick up the garbage.  They changed their schedule.  They normally go around REALLY early.  

So I can see the garbage bags outside.  But I will NOT get to sniff them, before the garbage people come around and take them away.

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