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Sunday, 10 February 2019

10/Feb/19 why do humans fart and then blame the dog

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So, as you can see by this picture, I put myself into some weird positions when I sleep.  Paws facing two opposite directions.

So yesterday I got to go for a drive.  Man oh man, it was NASTY out.  We needed to go to the Pet Food Store and get me some new food.  We went to another store and got me a deer antler for me to chew on.  I must admit, it is a new experience.  I used to having a bone, not an antler.

Then we went to the dollar store and got a new can opener.  The old one, well the gears were no longer meshing and it was really pissing off the Big Guy.  He was done with it.  Yet Tonya said that they would have paid about $15.00 for that one.  At the dollar store, it cost $4.00.  We will see how long that one lasts.

Oh and while we were over in Sydney, we went to the dog park.  I got to play with a couple dogs.  But it didn't last that long.  All the humans were cold.  Then again, it was about -10 and a wind chill of about -20.  The Big Guy would likely have lasted longer if he would have brought a blanket to sit on.  He can't stand that long.  So 20 minutes was about all he could do.  He has a knee that is full of arthritis.

But I got to go into the food store and the antler store.  I got LOTS of pats.  I also got to meet a few other dogs there too.  Everyone was so surprised at my size.  I guess you could say, it's cause of my dad.  He was about 145 pounds.  I'm just shy of that at 135.  

The Big Guy is thinking, he may be coming down with a cold.  He is full of snot.  He's trying to blow his nose, but it keeps filling back up.

I'm glad as a dog, I don't have that problem.

Your Blast From the Past

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog pictures from November 2016

Bye bye fur now

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