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Sunday, 24 February 2019

24/Feb/19 you made beef stew and you wouldn't share any

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So I was right about the beef stew.  The Big Guy didn't share any of it.  He also gave Tonya a warning about the beef stew and the onions that were in it.

We are going to be getting some snow tonight and tomorrow.  Not a lot.  Just enough to be annoying to the Big Guy.

He was so hopeful about the rain we had been getting.  But the rain will happen soon enough.  Then, no snow for about 9 months.

The Big Guy thought that it had snowed last night, before he went to bed.  He was looking outside and the road was all White.  Turns out, it's the salt that the city put down on the road and now the road is all White from the salt.

Not to worry though, the road will be White from the snow that's going to be falling tonight.

Tonya won this prize from Facebook and some guy needed to deliver it.  Well he is not a dog person.  When he found out that I live here.  Well, he didn't like that one bit.  So Tonya had to go outside to get her prize, while the guy was looking at me though the door.

Of course, I was just being me and I was barking to protect Tonya.  He was really nervous.  Then, when he was done, he ran back to his car.  Well, running away, only wanted me to CHASE HIM.  Oh how I barked at that.  He got in his car and zoomed away.

Guess I showed him.

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Bye bye fur now

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