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Sunday, 17 February 2019

17/Feb/19 is it obvious that we were at the dog park

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

We went to the Dog Park yesterday

I got to play with a couple of new dogs that I've never met before.

I also went for a poop.

Tonya made sure to clean it all up.

There was another dog owner that was there, and we weren't too sure if he just didn't see it or if he knew and just turned his back at the right time.  But his doggie took a poop and he didn't scoop it up and put it in the trash.

We stayed for a bit.  Not too long though.  The temperature wasn't all that cold, but with the moisture in the air, it felt a lot colder than what it was.  Both Tonya and the Big Guy's feet were cold.

But the reason that we were over there was to get my new dog tags.  We do that every year.

Now, I know some dog owners, they don't get their doggie their tags.  Which is bad, as they can loose their dog and then they end up in the pound.  You don't want to end up the pound too many times.  If you do...  you may also end up being move to to a farm. 

Which is adult for "put you down".

But the dog park wasn't muddy.  There was a lot of water though.  But the ground is still frozen.  Just wait for the Spring.  THEN it's going to be muddy.

That will also be when they take me to the spa afterwards.

I take it in stride, but it's not my favorite place to be.

Tonya got me some new treats.  The other ones, the marrow bones were making me have stinky breath.  The milk bones, my breath is fresh.

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