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Wednesday, 13 February 2019

13/Feb/19 I will huff and I will puff and I will blow your house down

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the big news story for yesterday and today.  It's the upcoming snow storm.  Right now, there is hardly any snow on the ground.  Well that's about to change.  Obviously the Big Guy would say, for the worst.

For those people that love snow.  Like those that like to ski, or snowboard, or own a business to clear snow.  Well I bet they are looking forward to the storm.  Since the Big Guy doesn't ski, or snowboard, or own a company where he removes snow, he is somewhat displeased about it all.

But he can take solace in knowing, there are other parts where they are going to be getting a lot more snow than here.  Like where I come from.  In the Bathurst area of New Brunswick, they are supposed to get about 30 cm of snow.

Here, only about 15 cm of snow.

Tonya was saying, there is quite a few people at work that are also upset about the upcoming snow.  But it's mostly due to the fact that they live a distance away from work.  So they are concerned that they might not be able to get home after they get to work.

That would be upsetting.

At the very least, Tonya and the Big Guy would be able to walk home.  It would be a pain to do that, but it's nice to know, if the only option is there, they can do that.

In other news...  Floyd and Mylynne's new baby is due around the 18th of August.  So far, they don't know the sex of the child.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog pictures from February 2017

Bye bye fur now

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