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Monday, 4 February 2019

4/Feb/19 I may be snoring, but I'm not sleeping

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The chairs in this house are pretty comfortable, but they are not big enough for me.  As you can see, my paws are hanging off the couch.  

I wonder if they would consider getting new "dog sized" furniture.

I got to meet a new person yesterday.  Her name is Meghan.  She goes to Cape Breton University.  So she is a daughter to a person that wanted to purchase some crests off of the Big Guy.  She weights 5 pounds less than I do.

At one point, I didn't understand what she was doing with her hands.  I thought she wanted me to jump up.  So I did.  I put my paws on her shoulders and looked at her in the eyes.  Then I licked her face.  She was surprised.  She didn't realize just how big I am.

The Big Guy got angry with me, but she said that it was OK as she is a dog person.

Talking of the Big Guy, he slept in this morning.  Although for some people, 6:30 isn't sleeping in, it's getting up way too early.

Tonya got the Big Guy to make something new for supper last night.  It had pork, broccoli, brussel sprouts, peppers, cashews, spices and stuff.  But they both got the "runs" from supper.  The Big Guy wanted to make Pork Chops and mashed potatoes with veg on the side.  But Tonya wanted more of a stir fry.  Neither of them is sure why they got so sick to their stomach.  But it got thrown out to the sea gulls.  

I've got to wonder...  do sea gulls get sick to their stomach?  They certainly do eat a lot of stuff that SHOULD make any animal get sick.  Perhaps that is why they poop so much.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog going downstairs

Bye bye fur now

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