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Friday, 1 February 2019

1/Feb/19 I can taste you off the chair

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Were you looking at the read counter on this blog?  I am just shy of 50,000 unique visits to each individual blog that I've written.

As of yesterday, I've written 973 blog entries.

The Big Guy also has a food blog.  That one only has 279 blog entries, but has more than double the reads at 110,680 reads.  1/3 the work and over twice the reads.  

Not fair.  I'm way more handsome than any food blog.

But I also think that I have a more loyal fan base.  I get people that read my blog each and every day.  Where as people will read the food blog, only once in a while.

So to my constant readers, than you for your support.

I'm sorta like your coffee in the morning.  You read it all the time and you know it's there.  His cooking blog is the silly comics in the news paper.

My readers are more refined and know quality when they see it.

Then again, I've also heard some people say that my writing is quite funny.

Did you check out the weather for this weekend?  It's going to be quite cold outside.  Now that is relative.  In Winnipeg, where my non-furry sister lives, it was -40 on Wednesday.  At that temperature, I don't have to say it was -40 C or -40 F, as the temperature is the same.  Either scale, it was plenty of "brrr".

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog empties his toy bucket

Bye bye fur now

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