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Wednesday, 20 February 2019

20/Feb/19 well I was sleeping, now I'm not

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Tonya read my blog yesterday and she told the Big Guy...  no more processed meat sandwiches for him.  He's not all that upset.  it's not like they go to Subway that often.

Like he was saying yesterday, he would much rather have a steak, sliced thinly and put on a sandwich.  Or pork, sliced thin, or a chicken salad sandwich.  Or an egg sandwich.  Or a hamburger.

He isn't much of a fan of tuna though.  He has certainly eaten a lot of tuna sandwiches when he was in the Canadian Forces.  Tons and tons of tuna sandwiches.

Perhaps that's why he doesn't enjoy them now.

I've seen him eat chili for breakfast.

I've seen him have steak and eggs for breakfast.

Oh and left overs.  He loves leftovers.

He will really eat anything for breakfast.  He isn't all that fussy about stuff like that.


Yesterday, one of my readers approached the Big Guy while he was in the store where she worked.  She told him, she didn't appreciate the fact that the Big Guy will blame me for his farts.

It's nice to know that Del is on my side.

But honestly Del...  I fart more than the Big Guy does.  And when I fart...  whooo weeee...  they stink...

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