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Friday, 22 February 2019

22/Feb/19 ooh, I've got an itch and it needs scratching

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So this "gout" thing is really getting annoying.

The Big Guy can't walk me around the block without being in extreme pain.  He says that it's subsiding, but for me, NOT fast enough.  He's been having his cherry juice and his cherries, but come on...  I want to go for a walk.

If you look outside, you can see the sun is coming up earlier each day.  Soon enough, the folks are going to be moving the time so that it springs forward.  That normally messes everyone up for about a week.

Now, the province of Saskatchewan.  They are the smart ones.  They don't change their time at all.  When it's dark, it's dark.  When it's light out, it's light out.  They don't so much pay attention to the clock in order for them to do their work.

There is a lot of farmers in Saskatchewan.  So, they really don't care what time it is.  You make hay while the sun is shinning.  That's pretty simple.

With everyone working indoors, well, at least MOST people work indoors, why are they so concerned about what the time says on a clock?

My non-furry Memere was talking with the Big Guy and she was saying, there is this actor, who is from St Marie.  Which is close to where their cottage was.  Well, somewhat close.  He is this giant of a man.  He is like seven feet tall.  He was in the movie "The 300" and he is also in the movie "Polar".  The Big Guy watched that movie.  My non-furry Memere didn't enjoy it too much.  There was too many ladies that were in the movie, without their clothes on.  Of course the Big Guy didn't mind seeing the undressed ladies.  But I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to see the movie with his mother in the same room.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Movie

Bye bye fur now

1 comment:

  1. I found the movie too much violence and looking at nude ladies don't tun me on ha ha if you like violene watch it and of course naked people
