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Thursday, 14 February 2019

14/Feb/19 happy Valentines day to all the sweet doggies out there

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So yesterday school was closed for the children.  But work wasn't closed for the adults.  No, they still had to go to work.  That is unless you work for the school.

Yes, it did snow in our area.  Not as much as what the let on about though.  Now, I'm sure there are other parts of the Martime provinces, they got MORE than their fair share of the snow.

While the Big Guy was out on his snow blower, Tonya was taking the time to shovel off the front and back deck and steps.  That was such a big job.  The Big Guy certainly appreciated all the work that she did.  Otherwise, it would have meant more time outside for him, continuing the dig the snow.

Oh and the Big Guy wants to give  BIG SHOUT OUT to the next door neighbor, Lorne Slade..  He came by with his tractor and removed the snow from the front of the house so that the walk way is all cleaned up.

I mean, look at this job he did.


Do you see that path that is outside of the hedge?  Lorne did that with his tractor.  See how clean the front deck is.  The Big Guy didn't do that.  That was all Tonya.  Oh, you can see the areas that are snow blown, yes, the Big Guy did that.  But he also did that with his snow blower.  Not a lot of effort there.

Perhaps if Tonya had the LCD Shovel, things would have been better...

Tonya says that she has a really sore wrist.  Now, she knows this is from her work, using a computer keyboard all day long.  The Big Guy has this arm band that he wears when his wrists hurts from using the keyboard too much.  But he doesn't think that it's going to fit Tonya as her arms are a lot smaller.  But they are going to find out.

The Big Guy is hoping, this will be the last snow storm for 2019.

I don't think he remembers, he lives in Canada and it's still Winter.

Don't be surprised if there is a couple more snow storms to come.

Although it's hard pressed to think that when there is a bunch of rain in the forecast for this Saturday.

Your Blast From the Past

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog pictures from March 2017

Bye bye fur now

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