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Wednesday, 27 February 2019

27/Feb/19 there is all that snow, and I could be playing in it

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Remember how yesterday the Big Guy was saying that he was going to be going OUTSIDE and shoveling and doing some snow blowing?

It was a LIE!

He went outside alright.  To go to work.

After he posted yesterday's post, he looked outside and seen how cold it was outside.  Then there was a snow squall.

So, he decided that staying inside where it was warm, was better than being outside.

He better decide to shovel the snow away from the garage door today.  Otherwise, he may not be able to open the door when he really needs to open that door.  Also, he needs to put some salt down on the back steps.

When they installed the metal roof, they forgot that there are no gutters.  So that allows the melted snow to drip on the stairs.  Which then freezes again.  Which is a hazard to both my humans.  For me, I'm low to the ground and I always have my 4 x 4 paw drive engaged.  So I'm pretty safe.  Even if I slip and fall, I'm still pretty close to the ground.

Not my humans.  They don't exactly fall with grace any longer.

When they fall, it's with a lot of fan fare and arm waiving.

I guess that would be stupid human tricks...

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