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Tuesday, 19 February 2019

19/Feb/19 yes I do like peanut butter, why do you ask

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the Big Guy has this issue.  He suffers from gout.  This is where the uric acid will build up and his feet get extra sore.  Of course this acid will settle in the lowest parts of his body, his feet.  So there are foods that he is supposed to avoid.

Like all processed meats.  Like sliced meat that you would get a Subway, or at the deli to make a sandwich.

He knows this.

But he loves sliced meats.  So he suffers.

Now, he can avoid all this by making his meats fresh.  

He could cook a steak and slice it thin and have it on a sandwich.  Or ham, again, slice it thin, or get a chicken and rip it apart and make a chicken salad sandwich.  He likes those.

But there is always the convenience of having sliced meats.

Then he can't walk, without being in pain.

There is a cure for this.  Well, not so much a cure as he can alleviate some of the pain, by eating cherries.  Tonya was good enough to buy him some frozen, sweet and pitted cherries.

Now, he was feeling better and what did he do?

He made himself a club trio sliced meat sandwich.  Double the meats.

He could hardly walk yesterday.

The Big Guy should know better.  The stomach may say "yes", but his feet say "no".  He should really listen to his feet.

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