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Monday, 25 February 2019

25/Feb/19 my paws are cold, get me a blanket

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

It's going to be snowing a bit today.  Not like it hasn't snowed before.  Everyone seem to be running around like a chicken with their head cut off.  Honestly people, it's not that much snow.

The Big Guy tried to take a picture to show the snow that was falling, but for some reason, he made some sort of changes to the cell phone and not it's not being recognized by the computer.  Well done tech support.  Well done...

Tonya and the Big Guy had steak for supper last night.  There was even bones in the steak.

But do you think they would share the bones?  You would be right if you guessed: No.

They said it's for "my safety".  That's it's a choking hazard.  That my bowels could become perforated by the bone shards.

I'm willing to take that chance.  

But I can see that my humans are not.

They would rather throw them out to the green bin for the other animals to deal with.

The rats have moved over to where the Big Guy has moved the green bin.  He really needs to fix the screen that's on the side of the green bin.  Get like screws to hole a new piece of screen in place.

Either that, or call the city.  Perhaps they got a green bin screen re installment team that will fix that for him.  You never know...  he might get a new green bin.

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